Welcome to Ark Little Ridge Academy
Ark Little Ridge is an Outstanding school in Hastings.
We are a community primary school where 'pupils flourish and are aspirational in all aspects of their learning' (Ofsted, Nov 2023)
Explore what makes our Academy great, how to apply, and when our open days are.

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Y6 WW2 Workshop
Thursday 27 March
During terms 3 and 4, as part of their topic, Y6 will be studying the World Wars. We have arranged for the children to take part in a WW2 Workshop on the 27th March which will be held within the school, during normal school hours.
Pupils will participate in a range of educational activities and have the chance to explore genuine WWII artifacts. They will discover the true meaning of community spirit and gain a memorable insight into what life was like for people in Britain during World War II, particularly children
Pupils will participate in a range of educational activities and have the chance to explore genuine WWII artifacts. They will discover the true meaning of community spirit and gain a memorable insight into what life was like for people in Britain during World War II, particularly children
Y2 Trip to Drusillas Park
Friday 28 March
To support our topic on Living things and their Habitats, we have arranged to take Y2 children to Drusillas Park. They will have access to an educational workshop where they will learn about habitats and adaptions and handle animal artefacts, on a quest to explore the multitude of adaptations that animals have developed to suit their environments.
PSA Easter Fair & Egg Hunt
Saturday 29 March