Why is attendance important?
Every day of education and indeed every lesson matters. In the National Curriculum where there is built in progression, children who are persistently late or absent soon get behind with learning and then do not understand current lessons when they return.
The introduction to a lesson and to the school day is crucial to the child’s understanding of their own learning. Children who miss school frequently will undoubtedly have gaps in their learning which will impede their progress and future ability to engage in lessons. This in turn has a knock on effect for their ability to concentrate and for their behaviour.
Frequent absence has a profound and cumulative effect on achievement.
If help or advice around attendance is required, please do not hesitate to contact our Attendance Office, Emma Harrison on 01424 752266 who will always be pleased to help.
If a child is going to be taking a 'planned absence' e.g. holiday, family event, a Withdrawal from Learning form should be completed. You can find this form at the end of this text.
How we monitor attendance and punctuality, as well as our process for recording absences.
Reporting absence
Absences must be reported to the school office by 9am on the day of absence. Either telephone 01424 752266 and leave a telephone message or email info@arklittleridgeprimary.org
Always leave name of child, class and reason for absence.
If we do not hear of a reason for absence and we are unable to contact the family, a house visit will be made.