Ark Little Ridge is graded Outstanding in all areas by Ofsted. The school's most recent section 5 (full) Ofsted Inspection took place in October 2023. Read the report.
School performance tables are published by the Department for Education annually to provide relevant information on the performance of schools in the local area. The tables are compiled using the achievements of 11 year old pupils, at the end of Key Stage 2 in Year 6, in all primary schools in England.
Our School's outcomes have been consistently above National Averages.
Our plan to ensure the accessibility of our school environment meets the needs of all.
How to appeal if your child is refused admission to our school.
Details on admission arrangements, in-year applications, oversubscription criteria, waiting lists and the appeals process.
Details on admission arrangements, in-year applications, oversubscription criteria, waiting lists and the appeals process.
Details on admission arrangements, in-year applications, oversubscription criteria, waiting lists and the appeals process.
Details on admission arrangements, in-year applications, oversubscription criteria, waiting lists and the appeals process.
How we deal with incidents of bullying and our bullying prevention strategies.
How we monitor attendance and punctuality, as well as our process for recording absences.
How we ensure the school is a safe and supportive environment for all.
Our school context with respect to the Protected Characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010; our Equality Objectives and progress towards achieving them.
Sets out the RSHE curriculum, why it is taught, and how it is delivered.
Safeguarding is fundamental to the welfare of all children in our care. This policy covers the procedures, law, and training all our staff must be aware of.
Our provision for students with special educational needs and disabilities. Our day to day working practices and procedures around SEND.
How we support pupils with medical conditions.
The uniform that each student needs to wear to school.
Funding statements
Ark Schools' relationship with the Secretary of State is set out in the Master Funding Agreement.
Our academy’s relationship with the Secretary of State.
The yearly audited accounts of Ark Schools.
The Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of students from low income households.
How we have used sports premium funding to improve the provision of PE and sport.
Following the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent closure of schools, the government issued an amount of catch-up funding to all schools to support with closing gaps in learning. This report outlines how that funding was spent.
Ark Schools
Our Academy is part of Ark Schools, a leading education charity and one of the country’s top-performing academy operators.
For more information about Ark Schools, please visit this website.
Key Information
- Address: 1 EdCity, EdCity Walk, London, W12 7TF
- Phone: 020 3116 0800
- Email:
- Ark Schools is registered in England and Wales as a company limited by guarantee. Company no. 05112090.