Why do we learn physical education?
At Ark Little Ridge we highly value the importance of PE and believe that all children regardless of their starting points or experience outside of school should receive high quality PE education. Every pupil – especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds or with SEND – has an entitlement to physical education and ‘PE for all’ flows through the essence of our school's curriculum. The aim of our holistic sessions is not only to develop pupils physically but promote the importance of mental health and well-being and as such time is given to grow pupils cognitively, socially and emotionally. It is our vision for every child to achieve and fulfil their sporting potential as well as develop their own physical literacy.
Our Ridge Values are reflected through our rigorous teaching of PE. We provide opportunities for pupils to develop their values and build transferrable life skills such as integrity, fairness, respect and oracy as well as providing them with opportunities to take part in competitive sport with determination and enthusiasm. At Little Ridge it is important to us to enrich this weekly provision by exposing our pupils to experiences and activities which may not ordinarily be accessible to them.

Subject Lead
Our approach
Our focus is to deliver a well-rounded PE curriculum which is built upon the three pillars of progression: motor competences; rules, strategies and tactics; and healthy participation. We have dedicated a full afternoon per week for Physical Education. Across the school each afternoon consists of 3 parts where skills from previous year groups and units are revisited and built upon. Part of a session is sport related where pupils are given the chance to put skills into practise, pupils also partake in a fitness session aiming to target various elements of fitness such as aerobic fitness, flexibility, and balance. And finally, a health lesson where all elements of health are discussed including physical, social, and emotional health. We believe that this approach allows for a well-rounded knowledge and understanding of health and fitness. Teachers understand ‘STEP’ and how it can be used to ensure our lessons are inclusive and accessible to all our pupils. We use ‘Primary PE Passport’ as a base curriculum through which to deliver high quality sessions.
EYFs and Key Stage 1, In the early years, pupils need to develop a good level of fundamental movement skills which are the basic motor patterns which are not learned naturally. They include locomotor skills (running and jumping) stability skills (twisting and balancing) and manipulation skills (throwing and catching) which are best developed between the ages of 3 and 8. Our curriculum includes progression from these simple movements to more complex movements as the children get older.
In Key Stage 2, the process continues, with children learning a broader range of skills and applying them to a range of movements. Children continue to enjoy co-operating and competing, with added focus on communication. Throughout this key stage, children are exposed to a range of different sports, both traditional and new, for them to make informed choices about their own healthy and active lifestyles. As Ark Little Ridge is supported by the Hastings and Rother Sports Partnership, pupils from Year 3 to Year 6 have the opportunity to participate in variety of School Games events held across the town, which introduce a more competitive element into sporting activities. Additionally, Year 3 attend weekly swimming lesson at a local swimming pool during the Spring term. Year 6 have an annual residential trip in the Summer term in which they undertake a series of physical and challenging activities, including: assault course; mid-ropes to high wires; climbing wall; tree climb.
Pupils from Year 1 to 6 also have the opportunity for physical activity during morning and lunchtime breaks which are well stocked with suitable resources. From Year 4, pupils can train as play leaders and learn to co-ordinate a range of active playground games. Lunchtime sports clubs are also on offer to pupils. During the Summer term, Sports Days are held for EYFS and KS1/2 covering traditional sporting activities, however the focus during these events is participation and enjoyment.
Where appropriate cross-curricular links are made through our curriculum such as in Science and PSHE but also in other less obvious areas such as Maths. Additionally, beyond dedicated PE sessions other activities are supported by a variety of sports and dance clubs. These are led by school staff and visiting professionals both at lunchtime and after-school.
Children will leave Ark Little Ridge with an enjoyment and enthusiasm for PE and sport which will continue into their future. They will be physically confident and have acquired knowledge and skills that prepare them for life in KS3 where they will develop their competence, techniques and expertise in different sports and physical activities. Importantly, they will be empowered to make positive choices which will enable them to lead healthy and active lifestyles.

Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
S & F: Fundamental Skills 1 H: Personal Hygiene |
S & F: Rocking and Rolling H: Healthy Body |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
S & F: Gym - Flight, Bouncing, Jumping, Landing H: Healthy Food |
S & F: Locomotion 1 H: Dental Health |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
S & F: Athletics H: Mental Health |
S & F: Target Games 1 H: Sun Safety |
Year 1
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
S: Fundamental Movement Skills 2 H: Body Parts and their Functions F: Boxercise |
S: Gymnastics - Wide, Narrow and Curled Rolling and Balancing H: Healthy Mind, Emotions and Goals F: Boot Camp Stations |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
S: Locomotion 2 H: Hygiene, Medicine and Exercise F: Mighty Movers |
S: Invasion Games Skills 1 H: Body Protectors and Body Changers F: Yoga Story Book |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
S: Dance - Under the Sea H: Relationship with Others and Opinions F: Core |
S: Athletics 2 H: Diet and Vitamins F: Step to the Beat |
Year 2
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
S: Fundamental Movement Skills 3 H: Body Parts and their Functions F: Boxercise |
S: Dance - Fire of London H: Healthy Mind, Emotions and Goals F: Boot Camp |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
S: Gymnastics - Pathways Straight, Zig-Zag and Curving H: Hygiene, Medicine and Exercise F: Mighty Movers |
S: Gymnastics - Spinning, Turning and Twisting H: Body Protectors and Body Changes F: Yoga Story Book
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
S: Invasion Games Skills 2 H: Relationships with Others and Opinions F: Cool Core |
S: Athletics 2 H: Diet and Vitamins F: Step to the Beat |
Year 3
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
S: Invasion Games Skills 3 H: Body Parts and their Functions F: Boxercise |
S: Dance - Dance around the World H: Healthy Mind, Emotions and Goals F: Bootcamp |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
S: Swimming H: Hygiene, Medicine and Exercise F: Mighty Mover |
S: Gymnastics - Symmetry and asymmetry H: Body Protectors and Body Changes F: Stretching and Cool Downs |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
S: Hand Ball H: Relationships with Others and Opinions F: Cool Core |
S: Tennis H: Diet and Vitamins F: Step to the Beat |
Year 4
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
S: Tag Rugby H: Healthy Body Inside Out F: Boxercise |
S: Dance - Romans H: Healthy Mind - Going for Goals F: Boot Camp |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
S: Gymnastics - Arches and Bridges H: Healthy Lifestyle -You are What you Eat F: Mighty Movers |
S: Football H: Healthy Body - Blood and Guts F: Health and Fitness |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
S: Badminton H: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind F: Yoga |
S: Cricket H: Healthy Lifestyle - Germ Busters F: Step to the Beat |
Year 5
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
S: Gymnastics - Matching, Mirroring and Contrast H: Healthy Body Inside Out F: Boxercise |
S: Dance - Dance through the Ages H: Healthy Mind - Going for Goals F: Bootcamp |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
S: Invasion Game Skills 4 H: Healthy Lifestyle - You are What you Eat F: Mighty Movers |
S: Leadership H: Healthy Body - Blood and Guts F: Health related Fitness |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
S: Netball H: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind F: Yoga |
S: Athletics H: Healthy Lifestyle and Germ Busters F: Step to the Beat |
Year 6
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
S: Invasion Skills Games 4 H: Healthy Body Inside Out F: Boxercise |
S: Gymnastics - Group Sequencing H: Healthy Mind - Going for Goals F: Bootcamp |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
S: Dance - World War II H: Healthy Lifestyle - You are What you Eat F: Mighty Movers |
S: Volleyball H: Healthy Body - Blood and Guts F: Yoga |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
S: Athletics H: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind F: Health related Fitness |
S: Cricket H: Healthy Lifestyles - Germ Busters F: Step to the Beat |